The Christie Antique & Vintage Show

Held May 27, 2017
at Christie Conservation Area,
Dundas, ON.


Coverage by S. Neilly.


Enormous crowds flocked to the Christie Antique & Vintage Spring show on May 27th. Even when we arrived at 10:30 a.m. cars were still lined up on Highway 5 for miles each way to gain entrance. The weather cooperated for the event and there were masses of happy buyers lined up at the pick-up area to take home their purchases. Attendance reached about 9500 visitors, but it sure looked like more than that from our perspective. Thanks to the promoters for another exciting show with great offerings for everyone. Remember to mark your calendar for the fall show, Saturday, September 9, 2017. Visit

The line up for the ATM machine pretty much explained how much buying was going on at the Christie Show – it was a very long wait for the machine

the line up for the ATM machine pretty much explained how much buying was going on at the Christie Show - it was a very long wait for the machine

Looking for corbels? Well, we found some for you!
Along with all kinds of other great architectural “late Victorian exteriors and exterior details” by Restoration Consultant, Robert Lane Martin. (see info for photo below)

If you’re into restorations and/or renovations you have to check out the stock of Robert Lane Martin. Wow. Doors, windows, gingerbread, corbels, (see above) trim, mirrors – you name it, he probably has it. Gorgeous stuff. (And Travis was great to talk to!) Call 519-871-2282 if you’re looking for some of the things they have to offer.

To-die-for french weave creels, smaller $165, larger $250 Offered by Debbie Lowrey, 905-979-5096

The lovely instantly-recognizable (and full of wonderful things) booth of D. K. Stewart Antiques of Oakwood, Ontario.
Call 905-985-7179 or email:


Great old advertising display items, and although we had permission to put the photo in the WT the vendor declined our offer to list his name and number. “They’ll be sold today.”he told us. (And they probably were!)

I recall an elderly lady at our church who always wore one of these poor critters in the early ‘60s. Although they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, I couldn’t help but notice the tag Sherryn Reddon put on them, espcially the “quiet pets” part. Somewhat bizarre, definitely vintage. Offered by Nodders, Codrington, ON

“Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs”… what a display! Offered in the booth of Brian Woodley, 519-448-319

A superb 10-drawer spool cabinet found in the booth of Ed Locke – Sheryl MacKenzie Antiques of Renfrew. Priced at $900 Call: 613-432-4909

Nice old Texaco pump, offered by Yardley’s Antiques, Ottawa. Priced at $1500. Call 613-739-9580 Email or visit